August 6, 2009

ctf_compromise V2 beta3 released

Testserver is running this map with oaxB41 and brainworkz bots.
Feedback is welcome.

  • fog removed
  • blue skybox with clouds
  • upper ledges made accessable
  • layout of bases changed
  • even less patch mesh usage, phong shaded surfaces instead
  • texture and lighting improvements
  • bases and ways to them are more distinguishable
  • improved separation of areas to increase performance
  • removed railgun teleporter
  • added teleporter to upper ledge
  • railgun replaces plasmagun (too close to mega health?)
  • plasmagun is located in each base now
  • removed small health orbs but added armor shards
  • using Neon Knights new cross textures but these should be reworked: Redundancy!
  • Gargoyle model exported and added as mapmodel (was missing, just textures are included in OA 0.81)
  • Two new playerskins added (beret/headcrash and assasssin/ghost) for FFA
  • Regeneration powerup added to each base
  • Haste powerup replaces Biosuit in center area
  • using Neon Knights new cross textures but these should be reworked: Redundancy!
  • gargoyle model exported and added as mapmodel (was missing, just textures are included in OA 0.81)
  • two new playerskins added (beret/headcrash and assasssin/ghost) for FFA

Big credits to Ivan, Feidi, davidd and majorayumi (or what ever his/her name is).

August 2, 2009

altering ctf_compromise

This is a work in progress screenshot. Ivan and Feidi gave me very helpful hints on ctf_compromise. Strange: This should have happened about a year ago!

More accessible ledges are there now and another teleporter in every base. Item balancing has to be done all over again. :(
I hope to get more vertical action and I am trying to get more focus on the middle area. Maybe I should place a quad there instead of just a biosuit.

I am improving performance more and more. This time the fog had to be banned. Next will be separating the areas so less gets drawn at once.

Included in this screenshots are two new player skins for assassin and beret.