Time for next release. A part of a new teleporter model is included. The screenshot is all about it.
An improved gameplay of ctf_gate1 is in this pk3 as well. Shader is partly taken from pulchr.
- replace teleporter model
- add new teleporter model
- make sand a bit darker
- ledge sink in RL room
- further improved renderperformance
- add easteregg to top towers
- center area jumppads reach to RA now
- minor texture fixes
- additional clipping
- removed nailgun because it does too much damage
- for missionpack kamikaze added (replaces YA in center area)
- support for domination and double domination gametypes
- support for missionpack gametypes 1flag, harvester, and overload
- double domination support
- domination points moved and reduced to 3
- Chaingun removed
- Nailgun replaced by Lightning Gun
- improved item balancing
http://cosmo.spaceboyz.net/openarena/zctf_compromise_v2b4.pk3 (Save link as ...)